The worst thing I did when I started running again…

Last Wednesday I ran outside in a T-shirt! Man did that feel good. 🙂 Yes, yes, the same day it snowed, but that’s beside the point.

And it got me thinking… As we move into this nicer weather, more people are going to start running. Running/jogging is such a low-barrier entry to exercising that it is one of the top picks come springtime. With that said, it can be an easy form of exercise to get injured if done the wrong way.

I’ve been there. I would just get started at 5km or so and try and go a good click. Every time I start running, around I’d say the 3km mark, I would get pain/stiffness in my lower legs and end up with an injury at some point. I would get so annoyed and never want to run. I thought my body was just designed not to run.

But I was wrong…

For the first time, a year ago, I completed our return to run program. Which starts with a simple 10-15 min of jogging/walking. At first, it was weird. I was uncomfortable doing only a little bit of time and I was uncomfortable running that slow. But week after week, the time increased and so did my running stamina. It was the BEST running season I have ever had. 

For those new to running or are just easing back into running after some time off, don’t do what I used to do. Don’t think you are a superstar and are ready to hit the road RUNNING! Adjust the volume and intensity to ensure a gradual return to full activity without overloading the body. Your body will thank you. 

This run season, complete our 4-Week Return to Run Plan and set yourself up for an incredible season. Step-by-step, we will increase your running intensity to prevent injury and allow the body to adapt.


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Michelle de Jong

Michelle has always had a passion for fitness, nutrition and sport. She is now a mom of her daughter Maddison. Being a Mom and Fitness Coach has brought an entirely new appreciation to the challenges of “Living The Fit Life” while balancing a career, family and fitness. 

The passion for “Tales from The Fit Life” Blog came from 12 years of working with clients on their fitness and health journey. Tune in each week to learn about Fitness, Nutrition, Recovery and the X-Factor tips that have helped transform the lives of Michelle’s Clients at Limitless Performance.

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