Referral Program

Spread the fit life love, Receive Local Fit Life Love

Support your friend, your community and in turn yourself

$100 up for grabs

Spread the fit life love, Receive Local Fit Life Love

Support your friend, your community and in turn yourself

Refer a Friend – $75 goes to you – $25 goes to them

How it WOrks...

Join Our Referral Program

If you haven't signed up for our Referral Program, do so now.

Share your Link

When you sign up for our referral program, you will see your personal referral link. All you have to do is send this link to a friend and they can book our 2-Week Trial directly from there.

Friend Claims Offer

Your friend will need to purchase the trial and sign up for their first session for your Gift to be sent.

$25 Gift to them, $75 to you

Choose Your Gift

Once your friend books their first workout, you will receive an email where you can select your $75 valued gift! ENJOY!

Any questions?

Send us an email