April 22, 2024

The Fit Life Blog

Sore Muscles?

What’s the best thing you can do to relieve those sore muscles?Over-the-counter-pain relieversLOL Just kidding!!! Preparing for a tough hypertrophy session (Summer Shred) with the goal of minimizing post-workout soreness involves a combination of pre-workout strategies, during-workout techniques, and post-workout practices. Check out these tips and try and implement one

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Sore Muscles?

What’s the best thing you can do to relieve those sore muscles?Over-the-counter-pain relieversLOL Just kidding!!! Preparing for a tough hypertrophy session (Summer Shred) with the goal of minimizing post-workout soreness involves a combination of pre-workout strategies, during-workout techniques, and post-workout practices. Check out these tips and try and implement one

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